Monday, March 10, 2008

More news from an intern at Farm Sanctuary...

I know, my vegan cooking blog is turning into one of those collections of rants and diary entries that make me think most blogs are kind of dumb. Sorry about that, but I'll be back to a recipe format in April, I promise.

Meanwhile, I am starting my second week as an intern at Farm Sanctuary here near Orland, CA. I've been staying busy, doing veterinary care deliveries of animals to the vet school at UC Davis, farm chores, and spending time with the animals. My closest neighbors at the farm are the residents of FS's Rescue Barn, where new arrivals usually spend some time acclimating. The days usually end with some treats for Maya and Rosa, a pair of big Yorkshire pigs, and belly rubs for pigs named Kiwi and Fergus.

Like everyone here, I try to spend some time each day with a male calf named Cupid. Cupid loves running around his outside pen with anyone who will join him, and nuzzles up for scratching and stroking behind his ears and on his neck. Today I was sitting with him scratching his head, and he fell asleep leaning up on my knee.

Here's Cupid's story at the Farm Sanctuary page:

Again, I will get some photos of the animals and farm up on this page soon! All this text needs a little sprucing up.

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